Letting Chloe into their Heart!

I’ve told the story about how Mommy’s whole day was diverted so that she could find me. Sometimes we are sent to a person or a family to help them heal, to provide therapy, to add comfort, or maybe to open their hearts to the many ways of love.


Chloe the first day my mom and Karen met her all the way in Lake George.

Mommy is currently with this new dog owner at yoga, and I say new because she hasn’t had a family dog since she brought one home unexpectedly years ago and that dog didn’t quite work out. She is my mom’s best friend, Karen. Ironically, Karen did it again–brought a dog home without exactly letting everyone in her family know–but this time she brought Mommy along on her ‘finding the perfect pet’ adventure!

Soon to be an empty nester, Karen felt that she needed some extra loving to fill the quiet spaces of her house. Now mind you, her daughter, Emily, had been asking for a dog for years, but it wasn’t the right time. Chloe wasn’t born yet! Of course Emily and I have a special bond and she always pets and plays with me when she comes over. Sometimes it may take years for that special dog to come into your life and that is what happened.


Karen first holding Chloe. How could you not love that face?!

Chloe Patchell or Chlo Chlo, Chloe Bear, Boo Boo, Baby, Bubba, Baby Girl, and oh yes, let’s not forget Little Polar Bear launched herself into this family this past March. Let me tell you when a family has more than 7 names for their dog, they are whipped! My Mommy told me that the breeder was pretty attached to Chloe and had already denied several possible owners–even Paris Hilton’s cousin! She knew that someone unique was coming for Chloe. Chloe liked my mom, of course, and so it was a perfect match. As you can see, Karen’s heart burst open wide!

Chloe is a Maltipoo and she has an adorable brown patch on her ear and a curly tail just like me and Dakota! We are tailmates! Chloe can’t quite reach the computer keys, but she sits on her mom’s lap while she’s working and observes. Chloe is very smart, fun, and playful. She may be little, but she’s feisty when her brother, Charlie, comes over to play. She lets Charlie know when she’s had enough. She’ll push a ball toward you when she wants to play and she’ll bark and sprint back and forth with bursts of energy! Tennis balls are her favorite. They are so small Dakota would probably swallow one! He hasn’t met Chloe yet and I’m not sure when he will, but our moms are going to take us walking together soon now that Chloe has all her shots.

The whole family has fallen in love with Chloe. Her mom loves her sweet personality and gentle nature. She’s very calming and cuddly, especially with her daddy and her brother. Her dad was undoubtedly surprised when he came home from work and found a bazillion pet toys, dog beds all over the house, and a mini white fur ball all curled up waiting to give him a kiss! But one look at this little love and he was hooked! Beautiful how that happens, isn’t it!


Chloe with her big sister, Emily. Chloe’s fur needs to be brushed often and her eyes cleaned, so she can see where she is going!

Chloe is a people pleaser and she’s neat, just like her momma! It’s good that she likes to please and is so gentle, because when Chloe gets older, she’d like to be a therapy dog. She and Nero can work together! Imagine Chloe visiting sick kids in the hospital and curling up on their lap. They will never let her go! Chloe thinks that every family should have a dog to love, but if they can’t at least she can provide that love for a little bit. She has a lot to go around.

Yes, Chloe is a little love (that may be my name for her!) and she has a kind and gentle spirit. That’s what she wants to bring to the world. She believes people can be changed with a bit of positive energy and love. She tries to relay that to everyone she meets, especially when she is walking around her neighborhood. She visits her doggie friends and that energy just calms those around her. Chloe is really quite amazing. She is one smart, kind, and gentle dog. As people pet her she just thinks how much she loves them and they can’t help but love her back!


My momma on a date with Chloe at Starbucks. Chloe has some fancy pink leash bling going on! Always the fashionista!

Chloe–I’ll see you this summer as we walk the neighborhoods together spreading the love and dog drool!

It’s just your Shadow, Dakota!

If you think about it. Dakota’s middle name should be Shadow, not mine. His middle name is Kenny. It came from the South Park show and Kenny was Stephen’s favorite character.

But I digress from the standard introduction of my blog. It’s a blustery winter day, with the wind blowing underneath my coat. Mommy is getting her Starbuck’s with her BFF and pondering the ways of the world. Stephen is sitting on the couch in his underwear. Gross! And Daddy is at work.

Anyway, back to Dakota’s shadow. Let me tell you a little bit about my younger brother. Dakota joined our family when I was 2. He was malnourished and scared. He was found in a dumpster in Tennessee. He is currently 100 pounds and his bark can be intimidating. I have no doubt that if anyone tried to hurt me or my family, Dakota would protect us. Daddy has taught him how to put tennis balls into a machine that will launch the balls. He is great at jumping high in the air and catching the ball in his mouth. He’s playful and will run around until he literally falls over.

But if you have had the pleasure of hanging out with me and Dakota, you will notice that Dakota sees ghosts!

Ha! I’m just kidding! Dakota thinks that the shadows on the walls and the floor are some type of enemy invading our house. Or maybe he is reliving his life on the streets when any little movement made him run for his life. It could be his flight or fight response. He jumps up on the wall and Daddy yells at him because the wall gets covered with his nose prints. He’ll pound the floor with his paws trying to stamp out the movement that is causing him distress. He actually has cried because it doesn’t go away, and he ripped up our linoleum floor with his teeth!

IMG_5182 Zoey, is that a ghost?

Sometimes I can’t stand it. I growl and jump on him to get him distracted. He is very persistent in his diligent attempt to protect our home, but how sad that he never feels fulfilled in his assassination attempts! It must be so frustrating for him. I have tried to explain to him that it’s just his shadow, but he doesn’t believe me. Or maybe he just likes to entertain the family with his blank stares at the ceiling.

No matter how long Dakota chases his shadow I’ll still love him. Everyone has a purpose in their life and Dakota’s is chasing the ghosts from his past.

Watch the video of Dakota in action on my Facebook page.